Yup. Its negative and a reality.
I'm quitting yugioh as of now.
So if u need any cards just ask me on facebook.
I have quite a lot of cards.
From lavalal chain to xx-saber dark soul.
So just ask me for the cards u wan and quote me the prices.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Counter Against Inzectors in Frogs
Today got 2x Tourney!
Yeah u read the heading
2x Tourneys.
1 is the usual main and 1 is the ranking
Still dunno what to play~
2x Tourneys.
1 is the usual main and 1 is the ranking
Still dunno what to play~
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Improvised LaDD
Oh yes i admit im a sore loser
cos i only do tournament reports for those i win in top 8.
Otherwise im too busy to write a scrubbed report. AnywayS!
Tried using a new Frog LaDD again. guess its version 4.0 now.
"How did you win so high up with frogs?"
"Its just that you only net and form hero beat LOL"
Tournament Scene : Lorong Ah Soo (Active Game Collections)
Deck Used : Frog LaDD 4.0
1st Opponent : Dunno-name-of-that-kid (Gadget Offering) OO
1st Round : LaDD destroyed his hand
2nd Round : Side deck worked with destroying all of his backrows and LaDD again!
2nd Opponent : Malaysian Guy? (Junk Doppel) XOX
1st Round : Lost to outrage of synchros!
2nd Round : Won with maxx c and veilers doing their job
3rd Round : Oversided with crows, maxx c and veiler. draw a all monarch hand and died
3rd Opponent : Random-Dude (Synchro Skill Drain?!) XOO
1st Round : He mind control my Bulb and had 2 Giant Rats and a BRI SYNCHRON?! (SMLJ WTF!) and synchroed for Catastor and Stardust and he had Skill Drain. Epic Lost
2nd Round : Sided Snowman and MST for win
3rd Round : He Gold Sacrophagus Skill Drain and my monarch rammed him. When he got Skill Drain, Heavy STORM CRUSHED EVERYTHING
4th Opponent : Same Malaysian Dude (Junk Doppel) OO
1st Round : LaDD did a lot of work, He/She's the MVP now
2nd Round : Lucksacked a LaDD when both players and dying with 3 digit LPs left.
5th Opponent : Random Guy (Aseticism Six Samurai) OO
1st Round : He all out until no hand and i didn't die. His DEST burned him 4200 dmg and Caius was on my hand.
2nd Round : LaDD appearred early and burned almost all his hand
6th Opponent : Sam (Dimensional Raggia) [LOL finally have someone i know]
1st Round : Lost to Dimensional Vagina Hole
2nd Round : He didn't draw that Vagina Hole and i managed to rush.
3rd Round : Who can win 1 Hope, 2 Raggia, 1 Jurrac Guaiba and Dimensional Fissure? Teach me.
Shared with Guan Qi at 3rd/4th Slots and got myself a Honest Holo. LOL?
cos i only do tournament reports for those i win in top 8.
Otherwise im too busy to write a scrubbed report. AnywayS!
Tried using a new Frog LaDD again. guess its version 4.0 now.
"How did you win so high up with frogs?"
"Its just that you only net and form hero beat LOL"
Tournament Scene : Lorong Ah Soo (Active Game Collections)
Deck Used : Frog LaDD 4.0
1st Opponent : Dunno-name-of-that-kid (Gadget Offering) OO
1st Round : LaDD destroyed his hand
2nd Round : Side deck worked with destroying all of his backrows and LaDD again!
2nd Opponent : Malaysian Guy? (Junk Doppel) XOX
1st Round : Lost to outrage of synchros!
2nd Round : Won with maxx c and veilers doing their job
3rd Round : Oversided with crows, maxx c and veiler. draw a all monarch hand and died
3rd Opponent : Random-Dude (Synchro Skill Drain?!) XOO
1st Round : He mind control my Bulb and had 2 Giant Rats and a BRI SYNCHRON?! (SMLJ WTF!) and synchroed for Catastor and Stardust and he had Skill Drain. Epic Lost
2nd Round : Sided Snowman and MST for win
3rd Round : He Gold Sacrophagus Skill Drain and my monarch rammed him. When he got Skill Drain, Heavy STORM CRUSHED EVERYTHING
4th Opponent : Same Malaysian Dude (Junk Doppel) OO
1st Round : LaDD did a lot of work, He/She's the MVP now
2nd Round : Lucksacked a LaDD when both players and dying with 3 digit LPs left.
5th Opponent : Random Guy (Aseticism Six Samurai) OO
1st Round : He all out until no hand and i didn't die. His DEST burned him 4200 dmg and Caius was on my hand.
2nd Round : LaDD appearred early and burned almost all his hand
6th Opponent : Sam (Dimensional Raggia) [LOL finally have someone i know]
1st Round : Lost to Dimensional Vagina Hole
2nd Round : He didn't draw that Vagina Hole and i managed to rush.
3rd Round : Who can win 1 Hope, 2 Raggia, 1 Jurrac Guaiba and Dimensional Fissure? Teach me.
Shared with Guan Qi at 3rd/4th Slots and got myself a Honest Holo. LOL?
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Another happy day on Duel Network..
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
So bored after work! so i...
Monday, November 14, 2011
Asia Tag Team Tourney Report
Team Leader : The Namonaki Duelist
Team Member 1 : Zhi
Team Member 2 : JiaJie
Game 1 : Team Insane Tech (Poh Seng/Agents) XOX
Round 1 : Drew all trap spell and died to his speed
Round 2 : Dragged down early and controlled everything. Pushed for game
Round 3 : Had good hand started with deal. Kena dark mirror and scrubbed.. BADLY
Team Result : XXX
Game 2 : Team Touch Mango's Rabbit (Mango/GBs) OXO
[Before everything, i and Mango were in the same BMT and it took me time until i ORD to realize he plays YGO and this is the first time we dueled. LOL right]
Round 1 : He summoned MURMILLO and had 4 face downs. I lightning of dark world threw grapha and deal another grapha basically all the face downs are gone. Then went for control.
Round 2 : Lost due to FORBIDDEN LANCE. Too powerful
Round 3 : We were on fair terms until i Epidemic Virus him and things got interesting becos Zhi lost and JiaJie won. Its me to determine. Fuck that stress. Virus allowed me to see Murmillo and Dust tornado. He thought very long, don't think he's the waste time sort. He whacked, tagged for Esquete, Dust my Skill Drain, took back Laquari. Dragged down and stunts and game later.
Team : XOO
Game 3 : Team Lucksack (Dunno name/Machina) OO
Round 1: Skill Drain and Dragged down destroyed his deck
Round 2: Had a good start with Snoww Snoww Grapha CArd D. Drew 2 bottomless and wait for his Machina Fortress to drop into.
[On the second round he copied the cards he saw on my hand on his paper. Didn't care cos i already won muhahaha]
Team : OOO
Game 4 : Team SKY (Dunno name/BFs) OO
Round 1 : He kena eaten by Dragged and Skill Drain. Last resort do Hope and mind control my Grapha to whack so that my life not 7000 when i finish him. But i activate Apple so my life still 7000 muhahaha
Round 2 : He used Twisters and stuff to slow me. and Demon's Chain. And i'm still confused with the morphing jar vs Shura cos the stupid JUDGE made me more confused. The game ended with TRIPLE GRAPHA BEATDOWN HOOOOOOOOOOOO
Team : OO?
Won 3 Lost 1.
Not bad for a Dark World first timer as i still Love my frog monarchs
As for Jia Jie i suppose the team was good all the way~
As for Zhi, don't worry la.
Didn't watch the end cos i have work the following day and went home early. Just know that Daniel, Nian Jie and William OH have won. Good job guys.
Team Member 1 : Zhi
Team Member 2 : JiaJie
Game 1 : Team Insane Tech (Poh Seng/Agents) XOX
Round 1 : Drew all trap spell and died to his speed
Round 2 : Dragged down early and controlled everything. Pushed for game
Round 3 : Had good hand started with deal. Kena dark mirror and scrubbed.. BADLY
Team Result : XXX
Game 2 : Team Touch Mango's Rabbit (Mango/GBs) OXO
[Before everything, i and Mango were in the same BMT and it took me time until i ORD to realize he plays YGO and this is the first time we dueled. LOL right]
Round 1 : He summoned MURMILLO and had 4 face downs. I lightning of dark world threw grapha and deal another grapha basically all the face downs are gone. Then went for control.
Round 2 : Lost due to FORBIDDEN LANCE. Too powerful
Round 3 : We were on fair terms until i Epidemic Virus him and things got interesting becos Zhi lost and JiaJie won. Its me to determine. Fuck that stress. Virus allowed me to see Murmillo and Dust tornado. He thought very long, don't think he's the waste time sort. He whacked, tagged for Esquete, Dust my Skill Drain, took back Laquari. Dragged down and stunts and game later.
Team : XOO
Game 3 : Team Lucksack (Dunno name/Machina) OO
Round 1: Skill Drain and Dragged down destroyed his deck
Round 2: Had a good start with Snoww Snoww Grapha CArd D. Drew 2 bottomless and wait for his Machina Fortress to drop into.
[On the second round he copied the cards he saw on my hand on his paper. Didn't care cos i already won muhahaha]
Team : OOO
Game 4 : Team SKY (Dunno name/BFs) OO
Round 1 : He kena eaten by Dragged and Skill Drain. Last resort do Hope and mind control my Grapha to whack so that my life not 7000 when i finish him. But i activate Apple so my life still 7000 muhahaha
Round 2 : He used Twisters and stuff to slow me. and Demon's Chain. And i'm still confused with the morphing jar vs Shura cos the stupid JUDGE made me more confused. The game ended with TRIPLE GRAPHA BEATDOWN HOOOOOOOOOOOO
Team : OO?
Won 3 Lost 1.
Not bad for a Dark World first timer as i still Love my frog monarchs
As for Jia Jie i suppose the team was good all the way~
As for Zhi, don't worry la.
Didn't watch the end cos i have work the following day and went home early. Just know that Daniel, Nian Jie and William OH have won. Good job guys.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
After the Tag team tournament thoughts
As above, dont flame me if i happen to offend u ^^
I am in no position to blame the tournament turnouts and such
As long as you're not inside, you will feel the tournament system is rigged.
Correct me if i'm wrong but when you ignornant judges come to other table and offer us the rulings you expect us to follow and yet it does not sound logical, i do not see the need for you to be there.
Here's the scenario.
-Opponent attacked my face down MORPHING JAR with SHURA OF THE BLUE FLAME when i have GRAPHA on my hand.
-MORPHING JAR flipped, effect takes place.
-GRAPHA destroys SHURA, SHURA searches.
-JUDGE came, nothing wrong. SHURA has completed his conditions for the special summon
-WIKIA states :When "Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame" destroys a monster by battle, if "Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame" is not face-up on the field when the destroyed monster is sent to the Graveyard, then the effect of "Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame" does not activate.
Please, train your kids if you have to, or else you are gonna need to answer for all the rulings they don't understand.
I feel better now :)
Anyway Team mates, nice going today. Lets try again someday.
I am in no position to blame the tournament turnouts and such
As long as you're not inside, you will feel the tournament system is rigged.
Correct me if i'm wrong but when you ignornant judges come to other table and offer us the rulings you expect us to follow and yet it does not sound logical, i do not see the need for you to be there.
Here's the scenario.
-Opponent attacked my face down MORPHING JAR with SHURA OF THE BLUE FLAME when i have GRAPHA on my hand.
-MORPHING JAR flipped, effect takes place.
-GRAPHA destroys SHURA, SHURA searches.
-JUDGE came, nothing wrong. SHURA has completed his conditions for the special summon
-WIKIA states :When "Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame" destroys a monster by battle, if "Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame" is not face-up on the field when the destroyed monster is sent to the Graveyard, then the effect of "Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame" does not activate.
Please, train your kids if you have to, or else you are gonna need to answer for all the rulings they don't understand.
I feel better now :)
Anyway Team mates, nice going today. Lets try again someday.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Burning Issues
Just a answer from you guys
Which is better?
-Thesatlos the Firestorm Monarch
-Vanity Fiend
-Light and Darkness Dragon
For me, i think that
Thesatlos the Firestorm Monarch
-Able to summon and use effect as long as opponent has hand
-A -1 of opponent hand and lures veiler
-If hit dark world will die like dog
Vanity Fiend
-A pain in the neck for most of the decks in current meta
-Nomi monster (Cannot be special summoned)
-Too big for monsters that can only normal summon
-Lures bottomless and warnings LOL
Light and Darkness Dragon
-Makes your opponent waste cards if he/she dont want the 2800 to rampage around
-Upon destroyed to grave, resurrects a creature in grave
-2 tributes
Guys gimme some opinions cos i dunno want to put Ladd + Vanity or LaDD + Thesatlos or Thesatlos + Vanity
By the way dont bother about the sangan scam. Im very benevolent.
If u are playing Junk Doppel and opponent summons a Vanity Fiend, will you

You know who you are :D
Which is better?
-Thesatlos the Firestorm Monarch
-Vanity Fiend
-Light and Darkness Dragon
For me, i think that
Thesatlos the Firestorm Monarch
-Able to summon and use effect as long as opponent has hand
-A -1 of opponent hand and lures veiler
-If hit dark world will die like dog
Vanity Fiend
-A pain in the neck for most of the decks in current meta
-Nomi monster (Cannot be special summoned)
-Too big for monsters that can only normal summon
-Lures bottomless and warnings LOL
Light and Darkness Dragon
-Makes your opponent waste cards if he/she dont want the 2800 to rampage around
-Upon destroyed to grave, resurrects a creature in grave
-2 tributes
Guys gimme some opinions cos i dunno want to put Ladd + Vanity or LaDD + Thesatlos or Thesatlos + Vanity
By the way dont bother about the sangan scam. Im very benevolent.
If u are playing Junk Doppel and opponent summons a Vanity Fiend, will you

You know who you are :D
Friday, November 4, 2011
My Lame Aim
Non-YGO for a while..
Army sure brings back memories.
Especially this :
When you gamble with safety, You bet a life
So as to say..
If you win, You get 2 lives la!
Especially this :
When you gamble with safety, You bet a life
So as to say..
If you win, You get 2 lives la!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Gold Series 2012 Part 2
Forgot about this.
Remembered during working.
What? Hey im concentrating on my work too!
-Lonesfire Blossom
-Pot of Avarice
Remembered during working.
What? Hey im concentrating on my work too!
-Lonesfire Blossom
-Pot of Avarice
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Gold Series 2012
Since SOMEONE is bugging me to do it
Here i go
-BLS - Envoy of the End
-Forbidden Lance
-Solemn Warning
-Pot of Duality
-Dimensional Prison
-Jurrac Velo! (Lets go mad)
-Gaia Knight
-No.39 Hope (Everyone is using and its reprinted thousand times why not)
---------Insert another bunch of useless cards here------------------------------
Here i go
-BLS - Envoy of the End
-Forbidden Lance
-Solemn Warning
-Pot of Duality
-Dimensional Prison
-Jurrac Velo! (Lets go mad)
-Gaia Knight
-No.39 Hope (Everyone is using and its reprinted thousand times why not)
---------Insert another bunch of useless cards here------------------------------
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
A little bit about myself
Some dudes (don believe girls visit my blog) asked,
Of all decks, why Frog Monarch?
Junk Doppel, Tech Genus Agents are all faster than Frog Monarch
Gladial Beast, Hero Beat are all more consistent than Frog Monarch
Firstly, i loved monarchs ever since the apprentice monarch age, where GBs got their full power in PTDN, the power of summoning priority against compulsory device and bottomless.
Secondly, I am a person who make mistakes easily. I can drop Snoww to find Grapha when i have only 2 Snoww on my hand. Frog Monarch gave me the advantage to stall with tree born or Faders whenever i make mistakes.
I will use Frog Monarch to challenge the meta, even if u banned my Fishborg Blaster LOL
Of all decks, why Frog Monarch?
Junk Doppel, Tech Genus Agents are all faster than Frog Monarch
Gladial Beast, Hero Beat are all more consistent than Frog Monarch
Firstly, i loved monarchs ever since the apprentice monarch age, where GBs got their full power in PTDN, the power of summoning priority against compulsory device and bottomless.
Secondly, I am a person who make mistakes easily. I can drop Snoww to find Grapha when i have only 2 Snoww on my hand. Frog Monarch gave me the advantage to stall with tree born or Faders whenever i make mistakes.
I will use Frog Monarch to challenge the meta, even if u banned my Fishborg Blaster LOL
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
LOL whatever
dunno what to post since so long lol
have been trying different monarch builds nowadays haha
maybe i'll post one soon..
But its about the same.
Whats the diff??
have been trying different monarch builds nowadays haha
maybe i'll post one soon..
But its about the same.
Whats the diff??
Monday, October 17, 2011
Too busy to blog
Too busy to blog becos of the Asia Tag Team Tournament
still testing various decks to find the perfect combination
DT13 and Duelist Pack Yuma came together..
Just one thing...
How come no one cares about this card :

I feel that this card has potential...
Not for gagaga exceeds or what la
but for other spellcaster variant decks.
Hell yeah gonna form and try
still testing various decks to find the perfect combination
DT13 and Duelist Pack Yuma came together..
Just one thing...
How come no one cares about this card :

I feel that this card has potential...
Not for gagaga exceeds or what la
but for other spellcaster variant decks.
Hell yeah gonna form and try
Monday, October 10, 2011
Level One Reborn!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Rank 6 Exceed
Took Damage!
Drop Tragoedia!
My turn, Draw
Yomigaeru revives!
Advance Summon Mobius/Caius/Thestalos/Raiza/Granmerg/Kuraz/Delg
After effect and nothing happens
Tragoedia Effect become Level 6!
XYZ summon! Inzecter Exabeetle!
Drop Tragoedia!
My turn, Draw
Yomigaeru revives!
Advance Summon Mobius/Caius/Thestalos/Raiza/Granmerg/Kuraz/Delg
After effect and nothing happens
Tragoedia Effect become Level 6!
XYZ summon! Inzecter Exabeetle!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Its been long since I'm so cherry
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day of interview, and i'm sick..
Today is my job interview day and i'm sick :(
Did the usual stuff and just tot of doing something damn LAME
All the decks in the world can be concluded in a flow chart.
If u don have one...
Guess u better quit YGO and play poker LOL
Did the usual stuff and just tot of doing something damn LAME
All the decks in the world can be concluded in a flow chart.
If u don have one...
Guess u better quit YGO and play poker LOL
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
What does 'Friend Price' mean
Seriously can someone give me a good answer to this
Don't give me bullshit like :
-We walk home together
-We were from the same school
-We were born from a mother
Don't give me bullshit like :
-We walk home together
-We were from the same school
-We were born from a mother
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Why gimme me attitude when i declined to join ur worthless team?
U think u will need training if u're playing for fun?
the reason why i declined to join ur 'LOL NATIONAL' team becos..
U think u will need training if u're playing for fun?
the reason why i declined to join ur 'LOL NATIONAL' team becos..
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Whenever i use Swap Frogs to whack
Whenever people ask me when i play Frog monarchs
'Whye u no monarch? Bad hand arh??'
i always answer
'U got see how TEW die to frog monarchs or not'
Epic moments
'Whye u no monarch? Bad hand arh??'
i always answer
'U got see how TEW die to frog monarchs or not'
Epic moments
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I am the chosen vanadis
Anyone selling Archfiend Empress and Vanadis??
I'm fucking collecting them
don't worry
im eating them at damn low prices. Lower than how much u will offer for a
I'm fucking collecting them
don't worry
im eating them at damn low prices. Lower than how much u will offer for a
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
I was searching my stash and i found...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tourney Report 110911
Tournament at Lorong Ah Soo
Deck Used : Tengu Monarch
1st Opponent : China Guy (Chaos BF) OXO
1st Round : He ate Gachi Gachi and Brionac and died
2nd Round : Trap Dust Shoot came perfectly and i died shortly
3rd Round : Tengu + 2 controllers = OTK!!
2nd Opponent : Skye the CHEAP CHEAP (Offering TG Gadget) OO
1st Round : He drew 5 Gadgets as opening hand. I summoned Tengu then Raiza then he quit
2nd Round : We had low life points and its nearing end game. I summon Raiza to blow his only set card and he had a face down monster. I predict it should be gadget. Glow up bulb effect tune with Raiza for Black Rose then Black Rose 2nd effect. 'Rose Restriction'!!
3rd Opponent : Benjamin (Gravekeepers) OXX
1st Round : He bad hand i Tengu keep whacking with Gachi Gachi support
2nd Round : I was confident he cannot top draw monster then i died
3rd Round : Warnings always kill monarchs... sob
Conclusion : Tengu Monarch is so damn fun. Kind of stable then my March build. hmmm
Got into 5-8th place and have 2 pack set Photon Shockwave. Opening i have a Exceed Ant Ultimate Rare. NOT SO BAD!!
Deck Used : Tengu Monarch
1st Opponent : China Guy (Chaos BF) OXO
1st Round : He ate Gachi Gachi and Brionac and died
2nd Round : Trap Dust Shoot came perfectly and i died shortly
3rd Round : Tengu + 2 controllers = OTK!!
2nd Opponent : Skye the CHEAP CHEAP (Offering TG Gadget) OO
1st Round : He drew 5 Gadgets as opening hand. I summoned Tengu then Raiza then he quit
2nd Round : We had low life points and its nearing end game. I summon Raiza to blow his only set card and he had a face down monster. I predict it should be gadget. Glow up bulb effect tune with Raiza for Black Rose then Black Rose 2nd effect. 'Rose Restriction'!!
3rd Opponent : Benjamin (Gravekeepers) OXX
1st Round : He bad hand i Tengu keep whacking with Gachi Gachi support
2nd Round : I was confident he cannot top draw monster then i died
3rd Round : Warnings always kill monarchs... sob
Conclusion : Tengu Monarch is so damn fun. Kind of stable then my March build. hmmm
Got into 5-8th place and have 2 pack set Photon Shockwave. Opening i have a Exceed Ant Ultimate Rare. NOT SO BAD!!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
After so many testing...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tournament Report 080911
Tournament At Lorong Ah Soo
Deck Used : Reborn Frog
1st Opponent : Calvin , Black Feather Chaos? OO
1st Round : Tengu and Caius did the job
2nd Round : I sided Snowman and Mobius. All Came :)
2nd Opponent : Shaun , Anti-Meta Beat XOX
1st Round : He had banisher of Radiance and i died. DUH
2nd Round : Snowman and BLS rule
3rd Round : I drew Monarch Hand surviving with soul exchange. He summoned Banisher. Then i top draw a Swap Frog. Can only say GOD wants me to lose
3rd Opponent : William (TEW) , TG Agent XO?
1st Round : Died to no Yomi Frog in grave
2nd Round : he started off with earth and i veiler. Monarch ram after that
3rd Round : After a huge commotion due to someone fail as a judge and a planner, we rolled dice to see who won the round. Apparently i lost
4th Opponent : Shaun Again , Anti-Meta Beat O
Supposedly if i won a round i will go up to top 4.
Final Round : Tengu + Raiza woots
5th Opponent : MAMA LEMON , Hero Beat XOO
1st Round : Lost to sudden mircale fusion when i open field
2nd Round : Sided Puppet Plant and abused advantage where i stole breaker to break his card and advanced summon for my monarch
3rd Round : I had dark hole, mystical space and monster reborn. He had Absolute Zero and The Shining. I reborn his Chaos Sorcerer to remove his The Shining and i ended. His Absolute rammed the Chaos. I TOP DECKED 1 FUCKING PUPPET PLANT AND I WON ^^
Conclusion : Shared the prize with Shelton, 1st/2nd
Never expect Reborn Frog deck to be so successful :)
Deck Used : Reborn Frog
1st Opponent : Calvin , Black Feather Chaos? OO
1st Round : Tengu and Caius did the job
2nd Round : I sided Snowman and Mobius. All Came :)
2nd Opponent : Shaun , Anti-Meta Beat XOX
1st Round : He had banisher of Radiance and i died. DUH
2nd Round : Snowman and BLS rule
3rd Round : I drew Monarch Hand surviving with soul exchange. He summoned Banisher. Then i top draw a Swap Frog. Can only say GOD wants me to lose
3rd Opponent : William (TEW) , TG Agent XO?
1st Round : Died to no Yomi Frog in grave
2nd Round : he started off with earth and i veiler. Monarch ram after that
3rd Round : After a huge commotion due to someone fail as a judge and a planner, we rolled dice to see who won the round. Apparently i lost
4th Opponent : Shaun Again , Anti-Meta Beat O
Supposedly if i won a round i will go up to top 4.
Final Round : Tengu + Raiza woots
5th Opponent : MAMA LEMON , Hero Beat XOO
1st Round : Lost to sudden mircale fusion when i open field
2nd Round : Sided Puppet Plant and abused advantage where i stole breaker to break his card and advanced summon for my monarch
3rd Round : I had dark hole, mystical space and monster reborn. He had Absolute Zero and The Shining. I reborn his Chaos Sorcerer to remove his The Shining and i ended. His Absolute rammed the Chaos. I TOP DECKED 1 FUCKING PUPPET PLANT AND I WON ^^
Conclusion : Shared the prize with Shelton, 1st/2nd
Never expect Reborn Frog deck to be so successful :)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
in this format
Tourney Week
As the title implies
This week whole week tournamentS!!
No im not posting tournament reports every day.
Instead im gonna post my deck that i've been using for these tournaments!!
Monarch Reborn!
As the title implies
This week whole week tournamentS!!
No im not posting tournament reports every day.
Instead im gonna post my deck that i've been using for these tournaments!!
Monarch Reborn!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Tourney Report 030911
Tournament Venue : Lorong Ah Soo
Deck Used : Dragon GB Monarch
Opponent 1 : Derelome , Twlight BF OO
Round 1: Caius keep coming and crushes BFs
Round 2: he had Raiou and BLS. I reborn tree-born and monster reborn-ed Gorz. Gorz attacked raiou. he had 1 hand 1 BLS and nothing. I had veiler and so TRISHULA!! He lost shortly after that :P
Opponent 2 : Nian Jie , TG Gadget Offering XX
Round 1: His Starlight Road and offering changed everything
Round 2: I have to extend my hate towards Blood/Ultimate Offerings and NOT Shock Rulers
Opponent 3 : Cassandra , Black Feathers OXO
Round 1 : Caius and Raiza Rocks
Round 2 : She sided skill drain and Barbaros. But i have 3 creature swap. TOO BAD!
Opponent 4 : Daniel , Grave BF OO
Round 1 : Tragoedia and Caius like to all mid
Round 2 : At a point where he has scrap dragon and 2 set and i had raiza. i have veiler, trag and LaDD. he scrap effect i veiler. he attack i tragoe. Then my turn i took control ZOMG Tragoedia u rock
Opponent 5 : Supposed to fight derelome again but i shared instead
Conclusion : 4th. LE13. ZZZ
(Wanted tragoedia but some guy wanted it so badly so as i good guy i let him have it. Next time jiu use deck to settle!! wahahaha)
Deck Used : Dragon GB Monarch
Monsters (25)
3x Swap Frog
2x Dupe Frog
2x Tree-Born Frog
1x Roadintoadin
3x Caius The Wicked Monarch
3x Raiza The Storm Monarch
2x Thesatlos the Firestorm Monarch
1x Ho-Oh
3x Light and Darkness Dragon
2x Effect Veiler
2x Battle Fader
2x Tragoedia
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
Spells (12)
3x Creature Swap
3x Soul Exchange
3x Enemy Controller
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
Trap (1)
1x Treacherous Trap Hole
Deck Used : Dragon GB Monarch
Opponent 1 : Derelome , Twlight BF OO
Round 1: Caius keep coming and crushes BFs
Round 2: he had Raiou and BLS. I reborn tree-born and monster reborn-ed Gorz. Gorz attacked raiou. he had 1 hand 1 BLS and nothing. I had veiler and so TRISHULA!! He lost shortly after that :P
Opponent 2 : Nian Jie , TG Gadget Offering XX
Round 1: His Starlight Road and offering changed everything
Round 2: I have to extend my hate towards Blood/Ultimate Offerings and NOT Shock Rulers
Opponent 3 : Cassandra , Black Feathers OXO
Round 1 : Caius and Raiza Rocks
Round 2 : She sided skill drain and Barbaros. But i have 3 creature swap. TOO BAD!
Opponent 4 : Daniel , Grave BF OO
Round 1 : Tragoedia and Caius like to all mid
Round 2 : At a point where he has scrap dragon and 2 set and i had raiza. i have veiler, trag and LaDD. he scrap effect i veiler. he attack i tragoe. Then my turn i took control ZOMG Tragoedia u rock
Opponent 5 : Supposed to fight derelome again but i shared instead
Conclusion : 4th. LE13. ZZZ
(Wanted tragoedia but some guy wanted it so badly so as i good guy i let him have it. Next time jiu use deck to settle!! wahahaha)
Deck Used : Dragon GB Monarch
Monsters (25)
3x Swap Frog
2x Dupe Frog
2x Tree-Born Frog
1x Roadintoadin
3x Caius The Wicked Monarch
3x Raiza The Storm Monarch
2x Thesatlos the Firestorm Monarch
1x Ho-Oh
3x Light and Darkness Dragon
2x Effect Veiler
2x Battle Fader
2x Tragoedia
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
Spells (12)
3x Creature Swap
3x Soul Exchange
3x Enemy Controller
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
Trap (1)
1x Treacherous Trap Hole
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tourney Report 300811
Deck Used : Frog Monarch Sept List
1st Opponent : Random Kid (Dragonuity Stardust Buster) XX
1st Round : He first turn buster i cannot do a shit
2nd Round : He first turn buster again lucky with vanity fiend i win
3rd Round : He first turn buster AGAIN i died
2nd Opponent : Fat Guy (Grave BF) OO
1st Round : Caius did a good job at crushing BFs
2nd Round : Gorz, Tragoedia and Faders make sure my life are good
3rd Opponent : Cassandra (BF) OXX
1st Round : She Soldier me i top deck enemy controller for win
2nd Round : Did a mistake as i Pot of Duality and then tried to summon veiler for formula then realized i POD liao and (insert suitable text) cassandra didn't realize i just concede so that my *liang xin guo de qu*
3rd Round : She did mistake and i let her and i lose
(Law number 1 : A man lives for himself! Don't give chance! KILL!)
Conclusion : Below 16th
Conclusion 2 : The Sept format frog monarch i posted was a failure. Apparently LaDD still works in this format. Fuck Lightlords. Side decks are there for a reason. Will repost a frog monarch for this format once i test another type of frog monarch!
1st Opponent : Random Kid (Dragonuity Stardust Buster) XX
1st Round : He first turn buster i cannot do a shit
2nd Round : He first turn buster again lucky with vanity fiend i win
3rd Round : He first turn buster AGAIN i died
2nd Opponent : Fat Guy (Grave BF) OO
1st Round : Caius did a good job at crushing BFs
2nd Round : Gorz, Tragoedia and Faders make sure my life are good
3rd Opponent : Cassandra (BF) OXX
1st Round : She Soldier me i top deck enemy controller for win
2nd Round : Did a mistake as i Pot of Duality and then tried to summon veiler for formula then realized i POD liao and (insert suitable text) cassandra didn't realize i just concede so that my *liang xin guo de qu*
3rd Round : She did mistake and i let her and i lose
(Law number 1 : A man lives for himself! Don't give chance! KILL!)
Conclusion : Below 16th
Conclusion 2 : The Sept format frog monarch i posted was a failure. Apparently LaDD still works in this format. Fuck Lightlords. Side decks are there for a reason. Will repost a frog monarch for this format once i test another type of frog monarch!
Monday, August 29, 2011
September 2011 Format
Now yugioh has turned to a lucksack game due to abundance to lightlords
To express my HATRED
September 2011 Frog Monarch
Monsters (22)
1x Roadintoadin
2x Yomi Frog
3x Swap Frog
2x Dupe Frog
2x Battle Fader
1x Gorz, The King of Darkness
2x Tragoedia
2x Raiza, The Yata-Lock Monarch
3x Caius, The Black Monarch
3x Vanity Monkey
1x Dark Dust Spirit
Spells (12)
1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
3x Pot of Duality
3x Enemy Controller
3x Soul Exchange
Traps (6)
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Mind Crush
3x Water Spiritual Art-Aoi
Gonna test this tml!!
To express my HATRED
September 2011 Frog Monarch
Monsters (22)
1x Roadintoadin
2x Yomi Frog
3x Swap Frog
2x Dupe Frog
2x Battle Fader
1x Gorz, The King of Darkness
2x Tragoedia
2x Raiza, The Yata-Lock Monarch
3x Caius, The Black Monarch
3x Vanity Monkey
1x Dark Dust Spirit
Spells (12)
1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
3x Pot of Duality
3x Enemy Controller
3x Soul Exchange
Traps (6)
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Mind Crush
3x Water Spiritual Art-Aoi
Gonna test this tml!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Champion goes to...
This year World's..
Champion goes to Japan!!
Agent Angels!!
U know whats gonna happen to ur hyperions with semi-restrictions :D
Champion goes to Japan!!
Agent Angels!!
U know whats gonna happen to ur hyperions with semi-restrictions :D
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Half a tournament report
Half Tournament Report @ Bishan
Here's the thing. i went with daniel, jonas and a fag
4 Swiss + Top 8
Deck Used : Frog Dragon Monarch OO
1st Opponent: Random Dude, Gem Beast Exceed
1st Round : Mobius broke everything he planned
2nd Round : LaDD ALWAYS spoil games
2nd Opponent: Vishal, Black Feathers OXO
1st Round : Monarchs and LaDD worked hard to win
2nd Round : WANK-HU pawned my ass
3rd Round : Interesting part when i set a MST he tot it was a apocalypse of wicked god. He summoned bora and icarus it and i chained MST. He wasted 3 cards in the process. Monster reborn its bora and its monarch time!
3rd Opponent: Baha-Sama!, Junk Doppel OXO
1st Round : LaDD control~
2nd Round : Avarice saved him for card advanatage when i already pushed him to a end :(
3rd Round : Drew all what i sided on my first hand draw :D
4th Opponent: Random Arrogant Dude, Junk Doppel XOX
1st Round : Lost to mass synchro
2nd Round : He solemn judgement my LaDD, leaving with 4000. Taking his scrap dragon and attacking with Daigusta Phoenix wins games
3rd Round : Conviced me that i cannot dark hole on my main phase when he has formula on his field and since its SPELL SPEED 2~~ nvm la give u win since its only left 2 weeks for u to own with this deck :)
I can actually go top 8. But has to meet up with my friend whom i promised her. Oh well.
I went to ask FAG cos Jonas was playing.
Me : Hey later if judge ask then say i got something on and got to leave
FAG: How many wins u have?
ME : 3.
FAG: (Points middle finger) Then can u pass all ur wins to me?
ME : Up to u
Here's the thing. i went with daniel, jonas and a fag
4 Swiss + Top 8
Deck Used : Frog Dragon Monarch OO
1st Opponent: Random Dude, Gem Beast Exceed
1st Round : Mobius broke everything he planned
2nd Round : LaDD ALWAYS spoil games
2nd Opponent: Vishal, Black Feathers OXO
1st Round : Monarchs and LaDD worked hard to win
2nd Round : WANK-HU pawned my ass
3rd Round : Interesting part when i set a MST he tot it was a apocalypse of wicked god. He summoned bora and icarus it and i chained MST. He wasted 3 cards in the process. Monster reborn its bora and its monarch time!
3rd Opponent: Baha-Sama!, Junk Doppel OXO
1st Round : LaDD control~
2nd Round : Avarice saved him for card advanatage when i already pushed him to a end :(
3rd Round : Drew all what i sided on my first hand draw :D
4th Opponent: Random Arrogant Dude, Junk Doppel XOX
1st Round : Lost to mass synchro
2nd Round : He solemn judgement my LaDD, leaving with 4000. Taking his scrap dragon and attacking with Daigusta Phoenix wins games
3rd Round : Conviced me that i cannot dark hole on my main phase when he has formula on his field and since its SPELL SPEED 2~~ nvm la give u win since its only left 2 weeks for u to own with this deck :)
I can actually go top 8. But has to meet up with my friend whom i promised her. Oh well.
I went to ask FAG cos Jonas was playing.
Me : Hey later if judge ask then say i got something on and got to leave
FAG: How many wins u have?
ME : 3.
FAG: (Points middle finger) Then can u pass all ur wins to me?
ME : Up to u
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Should i use Swap Frog Formula Monarchs this coming saturday again??
I won't be so lucky again u know...
I won't be so lucky again u know...
Monday, August 8, 2011
Able to use all cards in Konami Ranking tourney
As above
Someone told me that tournament can use promos
LaDD Swap Frog Formula Monarch Deck
Someone told me that tournament can use promos
LaDD Swap Frog Formula Monarch Deck
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Tourney Report 050811
Deck Used : Swap Frog Monarch
Lorong Ah Soo Card Shop
Duel 1: Agents (Random Dude) OO
1st Round: Caius and LaDD control
2nd Round: Sided Brain Golems and won
Duel 2: Six Samurai (Bryan Tew) OO
1st Round : After Snowman bit his Shi En, won using soul exchanges and monarchs
Duel 3: Tech Genus (Jun Qi) OXO
1st Round : Mobius loves Ice Breaking
2nd Round : Chain Disappearance HOOOOOOOOO
3rd Round : Ate a Trishula which removed 2 tree born at one go. Managed to win in the end
Duel 4: Offering Gadget (Lauren) XOO
1st Round : Ate full blast of exceeds
2nd Round : LaDD spoil games
3rd Round : Lucksack a soul exchange when his life is at 100 and sack for caius to remove caius to win
Duel 5: Junk Debris Dandy (Cassandra) OO
1st Round : LaDD spoil games. Again
2nd Round : Mistakes and ate trishula with all tree born rfg. LUCKSACKED a caius and bunch of frogs + roadintoadin in grave for kill
Duel 6: Offering Gadget (Calvin) OO
[Actually we shared cos dinner must eat. Then came back to destroy each other]
1st Round : LaDD must be legal soon
2nd Round : Enemy Controller + Frog is good~~
Konami can u just reprint LaDD in gold series or declare that promos are legal?
Lorong Ah Soo Card Shop
Duel 1: Agents (Random Dude) OO
1st Round: Caius and LaDD control
2nd Round: Sided Brain Golems and won
Duel 2: Six Samurai (Bryan Tew) OO
1st Round : After Snowman bit his Shi En, won using soul exchanges and monarchs
Duel 3: Tech Genus (Jun Qi) OXO
1st Round : Mobius loves Ice Breaking
2nd Round : Chain Disappearance HOOOOOOOOO
3rd Round : Ate a Trishula which removed 2 tree born at one go. Managed to win in the end
Duel 4: Offering Gadget (Lauren) XOO
1st Round : Ate full blast of exceeds
2nd Round : LaDD spoil games
3rd Round : Lucksack a soul exchange when his life is at 100 and sack for caius to remove caius to win
Duel 5: Junk Debris Dandy (Cassandra) OO
1st Round : LaDD spoil games. Again
2nd Round : Mistakes and ate trishula with all tree born rfg. LUCKSACKED a caius and bunch of frogs + roadintoadin in grave for kill
Duel 6: Offering Gadget (Calvin) OO
[Actually we shared cos dinner must eat. Then came back to destroy each other]
1st Round : LaDD must be legal soon
2nd Round : Enemy Controller + Frog is good~~
Konami can u just reprint LaDD in gold series or declare that promos are legal?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
lol new cards
This card is so cool~
This card cannot be special summoned. When this card is normal summoned or flip face up, return this card to your hand during the end phase. When this card is normal summoned or flipped face up, destroy all set trap and spells your opponent controls.
This card cannot be special summoned. When this card is normal summoned or flip face up, return this card to your hand during the end phase. When this card is normal summoned or flipped face up, destroy all set trap and spells your opponent controls.
Friday, July 8, 2011
what the hell, how the hell
Started work this week. No time to blog.
Everyday just had time to open facebook and play Buddy Rush (OMG ITS FUN)
then off to work..
Had to work 5 and a half days. Meaning
Monday to Saturday afternoon
Actually planned to go for Lorong Ah Soo tourney On saturdays.
I just realized i just got rusty thx to work and didn't have chances to touch my frogs.
I mean deck.
What the hell, How the hell.
Everyday just had time to open facebook and play Buddy Rush (OMG ITS FUN)
then off to work..
Had to work 5 and a half days. Meaning
Monday to Saturday afternoon
Actually planned to go for Lorong Ah Soo tourney On saturdays.
I just realized i just got rusty thx to work and didn't have chances to touch my frogs.
I mean deck.
What the hell, How the hell.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Seriously, I'm just lucky
Tournament report as at 25th June at Lorong ah soo card shop
Deck used : Frog Monarchs
Duel 1:Random kid, Dark Realm OO
Match 1:he solemn judgement my enemy controller and warning my mobius. LaDD pwned him
Match 2:Dunno what he doing, Mobius owned him
Duel 2:Jun Qi, Junk Doppel XOX
Match 1:lost becos synchro decks are awesome
Match 2:Vanity Fiend and LaDD are annoying
Match 3:Chain Disappearance and Trishula pwned me
Duel 3:Random kid again?!, Dark Realm OO
Match 1:Caius saves the day
Match 2:Frog + Controller + LaDD is pure sick
Duel 4:Gavin, Hero Beat OXO
Match 1:Usual stuff like mobius and LaDD
Match 2:Skill Drain, Gozen Match, Royal Oppression and Dimensional Fissure aka Pussy
Hole pwned me... Badly
Match 3:He summoned Fossil Dyna and The Shining. I top decked a Barbaros when skill
drain on the field. Then Barbaros took over the match :D
Duel 5:William , Machina Gadget OXO
Match 1:Mobius + LaDD + Gaius was nice
Match 2:Dimensional Fissure again! Life sucks. Its like shouting inside a pussy hole
Match 3:He didn't got pussy hole card and i quickly did my frog milling. Finished the
game using Raiza double attack thx to Daigusta Phoenix :)
Duel 6:Big head , Hero Beat OXO
Match 1:He got supreme bad hand and my mobius keep dropping down for solemns. Gaius
burn for the win
Match 2:D.D. Crow + i nvr draw frog
Match 3:The only Tree-Born got crowed, Orge Frog i threw in for Gachi. Luckily i got
my 2nd Tree-Born fast enough and with Fishborg Blaster i turned it to LaDD
for the win.
Duel 7:Jun Qi, Junk Doppel XX
Match 1:Trishula + Chaos Soceror pwnage
Match 2:Shooting Quesar :(
Got a 2nd! Not that bad. Spoils are 1x Gold Trishula :)
Konami please give me Gorz and LaDD in gold series 2012 PLZ~~~
Deck used : Frog Monarchs
Duel 1:Random kid, Dark Realm OO
Match 1:he solemn judgement my enemy controller and warning my mobius. LaDD pwned him
Match 2:Dunno what he doing, Mobius owned him
Duel 2:Jun Qi, Junk Doppel XOX
Match 1:lost becos synchro decks are awesome
Match 2:Vanity Fiend and LaDD are annoying
Match 3:Chain Disappearance and Trishula pwned me
Duel 3:Random kid again?!, Dark Realm OO
Match 1:Caius saves the day
Match 2:Frog + Controller + LaDD is pure sick
Duel 4:Gavin, Hero Beat OXO
Match 1:Usual stuff like mobius and LaDD
Match 2:Skill Drain, Gozen Match, Royal Oppression and Dimensional Fissure aka Pussy
Hole pwned me... Badly
Match 3:He summoned Fossil Dyna and The Shining. I top decked a Barbaros when skill
drain on the field. Then Barbaros took over the match :D
Duel 5:William , Machina Gadget OXO
Match 1:Mobius + LaDD + Gaius was nice
Match 2:Dimensional Fissure again! Life sucks. Its like shouting inside a pussy hole
Match 3:He didn't got pussy hole card and i quickly did my frog milling. Finished the
game using Raiza double attack thx to Daigusta Phoenix :)
Duel 6:Big head , Hero Beat OXO
Match 1:He got supreme bad hand and my mobius keep dropping down for solemns. Gaius
burn for the win
Match 2:D.D. Crow + i nvr draw frog
Match 3:The only Tree-Born got crowed, Orge Frog i threw in for Gachi. Luckily i got
my 2nd Tree-Born fast enough and with Fishborg Blaster i turned it to LaDD
for the win.
Duel 7:Jun Qi, Junk Doppel XX
Match 1:Trishula + Chaos Soceror pwnage
Match 2:Shooting Quesar :(
Got a 2nd! Not that bad. Spoils are 1x Gold Trishula :)
Konami please give me Gorz and LaDD in gold series 2012 PLZ~~~
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
LOL will u just look at that!
Noticable good cards inside :
Structure deck : Devil's Gate
Battle Fader
Allure of Darkness
Deck Devastation Virus
Eradicator Epidemic Virus
Thses cards are more than enough reasons for you to purchase this structure deck (LOL ad?)
Structure deck : Devil's Gate
Battle Fader
Allure of Darkness
Deck Devastation Virus
Eradicator Epidemic Virus
Thses cards are more than enough reasons for you to purchase this structure deck (LOL ad?)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
LOL angel mill
Angel mill deck as follows:
Monsters (26)
2x Lightlord Sorceress Lyla
1x Lightlord Summoner Lumina
2x Lightlord Beast Wulf
1x Lightlord Monk Eileen
2x Lightlord Hunter Ryko
1x Lightlord Warrior Garoth
2x Lightlord Paladin Joan
1x Lightlord Spirit Shire
3x Lightlord Angel Celestia
2x Judgment Dragon
2x Archlord Kristya
1x Ultimate Temporal Machine God Sephiron
1x Emissary of Hades Gorz
1x Necro Gardna
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
1x Card Trooper
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Honest
Spells (13)
3x Solar Recharge
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Giant Trunade
2x Monster Reincarnation
1x Monster Reborn
1x Foolish Burial
2x Golden Sacrophagus (thinking of Forbidden Lance)
1x Reinforcements of the Army
1x Dark Hole
Trap (1)
1x Treacherous Trap Hole
Monsters (26)
2x Lightlord Sorceress Lyla
1x Lightlord Summoner Lumina
2x Lightlord Beast Wulf
1x Lightlord Monk Eileen
2x Lightlord Hunter Ryko
1x Lightlord Warrior Garoth
2x Lightlord Paladin Joan
1x Lightlord Spirit Shire
3x Lightlord Angel Celestia
2x Judgment Dragon
2x Archlord Kristya
1x Ultimate Temporal Machine God Sephiron
1x Emissary of Hades Gorz
1x Necro Gardna
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
1x Card Trooper
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Honest
Spells (13)
3x Solar Recharge
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Giant Trunade
2x Monster Reincarnation
1x Monster Reborn
1x Foolish Burial
2x Golden Sacrophagus (thinking of Forbidden Lance)
1x Reinforcements of the Army
1x Dark Hole
Trap (1)
1x Treacherous Trap Hole
The world will be mine one day (hopefully)
Just saw an tengu plant deck online.
Look quite decent.
Guess i'll just form it.
Guess i will form it.
Guess i'll begin whack packs for tengu.
Guess that tengu's too expensive.
Guess i'll find another alternative for tengu.
Un-Tengu Plants
Monsters (21)
2x Lonefire Blossom
1x Spore
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Dandylion
1x Titania Camelia
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Sangan
1x Zombie Carrier
2x Debris Dragon
2x Zombie Master
2x Goblin Zombie
1x Mezuki
2x Card Trooper
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Level Stealer
Traps (8)
1x Call of the haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Limit Reverse
Spells (11)
1x Foolish Burial
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
2x Book of life
1x Book of moon
1x One for One
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
Guess I'll try it when i book out
Look quite decent.
Guess i'll just form it.
Guess i will form it.
Guess i'll begin whack packs for tengu.
Guess that tengu's too expensive.
Guess i'll find another alternative for tengu.
Un-Tengu Plants
Monsters (21)
2x Lonefire Blossom
1x Spore
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Dandylion
1x Titania Camelia
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Sangan
1x Zombie Carrier
2x Debris Dragon
2x Zombie Master
2x Goblin Zombie
1x Mezuki
2x Card Trooper
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Level Stealer
Traps (8)
1x Call of the haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Limit Reverse
Spells (11)
1x Foolish Burial
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
2x Book of life
1x Book of moon
1x One for One
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
Guess I'll try it when i book out
Thursday, May 26, 2011
AFF (Affinity For Frogs)
Guess this is quite long since i put a post.
Guess its too long.
Guess i'll do this now.
Fiend Turbo (lol hiding true intent of deck?)
Monsters (26)
3x Orge Frog
2x Tree-Born Frog
1x Dupe Frog
1x Rodintoadin
3x Caius the Wicked Monarch
3x Raiza the Wind Monarch
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
3x Light and Darkness Dragon
2x Beast King Barbaros
1x Emissary of Hades Gorz
3x Battle Fader
2x Spirit Reaper
1x Fishborg Blaster
2x Snowman Eater
Spells (11)
3x Soul Exchange
3x Enemy Controller
1x One for One
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
1x Surfacing
Trap (1)
1x Treacherous Trap Hole
I just love this deck. Helped me got into 4th in a tournament of king titans~~
Guess its too long.
Guess i'll do this now.
Fiend Turbo (lol hiding true intent of deck?)
Monsters (26)
3x Orge Frog
2x Tree-Born Frog
1x Dupe Frog
1x Rodintoadin
3x Caius the Wicked Monarch
3x Raiza the Wind Monarch
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
3x Light and Darkness Dragon
2x Beast King Barbaros
1x Emissary of Hades Gorz
3x Battle Fader
2x Spirit Reaper
1x Fishborg Blaster
2x Snowman Eater
Spells (11)
3x Soul Exchange
3x Enemy Controller
1x One for One
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
1x Surfacing
Trap (1)
1x Treacherous Trap Hole
I just love this deck. Helped me got into 4th in a tournament of king titans~~
Sunday, April 10, 2011
damn long time again..
yo dudes and babes!!
ya i know im being such a wuss not being online for so long
just to update u guys...
don ask about joanne already btw
im playing yugioh and MTG (Magic is so fun ~~)
my yugioh decks are as follows:
-Frog Dragon Monarch
-Agent Circle
-Gladial Control
-Scrap Kikoutei
-Dragoon D End Deck
-Kara Machina
-Kristya Sworn
-LiquiMetal Control
-Mono Red
-Goblin Kulthoda
ya i know im being such a wuss not being online for so long
just to update u guys...
don ask about joanne already btw
im playing yugioh and MTG (Magic is so fun ~~)
my yugioh decks are as follows:
-Frog Dragon Monarch
-Agent Circle
-Gladial Control
-Scrap Kikoutei
-Dragoon D End Deck
-Kara Machina
-Kristya Sworn
-LiquiMetal Control
-Mono Red
-Goblin Kulthoda
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