Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tourney Report 300811

Deck Used : Frog Monarch Sept List

1st Opponent : Random Kid (Dragonuity Stardust Buster) XX
1st Round : He first turn buster i cannot do a shit
2nd Round : He first turn buster again lucky with vanity fiend i win
3rd Round : He first turn buster AGAIN i died

2nd Opponent : Fat Guy (Grave BF) OO
1st Round : Caius did a good job at crushing BFs
2nd Round : Gorz, Tragoedia and Faders make sure my life are good

3rd Opponent : Cassandra (BF) OXX
1st Round : She Soldier me i top deck enemy controller for win
2nd Round : Did a mistake as i Pot of Duality and then tried to summon veiler for formula then realized i POD liao and (insert suitable text) cassandra didn't realize i just concede so that my *liang xin guo de qu*
3rd Round : She did mistake and i let her and i lose
(Law number 1 : A man lives for himself! Don't give chance! KILL!)

Conclusion : Below 16th

Conclusion 2 : The Sept format frog monarch i posted was a failure. Apparently LaDD still works in this format. Fuck Lightlords. Side decks are there for a reason. Will repost a frog monarch for this format once i test another type of frog monarch!



Monday, August 29, 2011

September 2011 Format

Now yugioh has turned to a lucksack game due to abundance to lightlords

To express my HATRED

September 2011 Frog Monarch

Monsters (22)
1x Roadintoadin
2x Yomi Frog
3x Swap Frog
2x Dupe Frog
2x Battle Fader
1x Gorz, The King of Darkness
2x Tragoedia
2x Raiza, The Yata-Lock Monarch
3x Caius, The Black Monarch
3x Vanity Monkey
1x Dark Dust Spirit

Spells (12)
1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
3x Pot of Duality
3x Enemy Controller
3x Soul Exchange

Traps (6)
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Mind Crush
3x Water Spiritual Art-Aoi

Gonna test this tml!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Champion goes to...

This year World's..

Champion goes to Japan!!

Agent Angels!!

U know whats gonna happen to ur hyperions with semi-restrictions :D

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Half a tournament report

Half Tournament Report @ Bishan
Here's the thing. i went with daniel, jonas and a fag

4 Swiss + Top 8
Deck Used : Frog Dragon Monarch OO

1st Opponent: Random Dude, Gem Beast Exceed
1st Round : Mobius broke everything he planned
2nd Round : LaDD ALWAYS spoil games

2nd Opponent: Vishal, Black Feathers OXO
1st Round : Monarchs and LaDD worked hard to win
2nd Round : WANK-HU pawned my ass
3rd Round : Interesting part when i set a MST he tot it was a apocalypse of wicked god. He summoned bora and icarus it and i chained MST. He wasted 3 cards in the process. Monster reborn its bora and its monarch time!

3rd Opponent: Baha-Sama!, Junk Doppel OXO
1st Round : LaDD control~
2nd Round : Avarice saved him for card advanatage when i already pushed him to a end :(
3rd Round : Drew all what i sided on my first hand draw :D

4th Opponent: Random Arrogant Dude, Junk Doppel XOX
1st Round : Lost to mass synchro
2nd Round : He solemn judgement my LaDD, leaving with 4000. Taking his scrap dragon and attacking with Daigusta Phoenix wins games
3rd Round : Conviced me that i cannot dark hole on my main phase when he has formula on his field and since its SPELL SPEED 2~~ nvm la give u win since its only left 2 weeks for u to own with this deck :)

I can actually go top 8. But has to meet up with my friend whom i promised her. Oh well.

I went to ask FAG cos Jonas was playing.
Me : Hey later if judge ask then say i got something on and got to leave
FAG: How many wins u have?
ME : 3.
FAG: (Points middle finger) Then can u pass all ur wins to me?
ME : Up to u




Thursday, August 11, 2011


Should i use Swap Frog Formula Monarchs this coming saturday again??

I won't be so lucky again u know...


Monday, August 8, 2011

Able to use all cards in Konami Ranking tourney

As above

Someone told me that tournament can use promos

LaDD Swap Frog Formula Monarch Deck



Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tourney Report 050811

Deck Used : Swap Frog Monarch
Lorong Ah Soo Card Shop

Duel 1: Agents (Random Dude) OO
1st Round: Caius and LaDD control
2nd Round: Sided Brain Golems and won

Duel 2: Six Samurai (Bryan Tew) OO
1st Round : After Snowman bit his Shi En, won using soul exchanges and monarchs

Duel 3: Tech Genus (Jun Qi) OXO
1st Round : Mobius loves Ice Breaking
2nd Round : Chain Disappearance HOOOOOOOOO
3rd Round : Ate a Trishula which removed 2 tree born at one go. Managed to win in the end

Duel 4: Offering Gadget (Lauren) XOO
1st Round : Ate full blast of exceeds
2nd Round : LaDD spoil games
3rd Round : Lucksack a soul exchange when his life is at 100 and sack for caius to remove caius to win

Duel 5: Junk Debris Dandy (Cassandra) OO
1st Round : LaDD spoil games. Again
2nd Round : Mistakes and ate trishula with all tree born rfg. LUCKSACKED a caius and bunch of frogs + roadintoadin in grave for kill

Duel 6: Offering Gadget (Calvin) OO
[Actually we shared cos dinner must eat. Then came back to destroy each other]
1st Round : LaDD must be legal soon
2nd Round : Enemy Controller + Frog is good~~

Konami can u just reprint LaDD in gold series or declare that promos are legal?